Friday, January 4, 2013

How precious our words are.

Wow... has it been a long time since I last posted. I don't really have a reason for failure but hopefully with the starting of a New Year I will be able to improve a little. There is something so therapeutic about sitting down and letting all your feelings go. In the process of letting the words transform from thoughts into words on a page it such a seemingly poetic way really eases the mind. For a short moment you feel like someone superior, like a great author, poet, writer or just someone of much worth. Although my words are only seen by few if by any at all for a brief moment while I write I fell like the words I am putting down are of the most importance to the world. I began writing this as an attempt to catch everyone up on my life, but i began realizing that is not such an easy task. You don't really get to see yourself grow as a person while staring at the big picture... it is by remembering the daily photos of your life that you see the progression. When you begin writing a blog you can only see and share what you know up to that point but as weeks go by you grown and you learn more and looking back you can literally seen the outline of your self changing. Even if my words aren't seen by many the important thing is that they are seen by me.

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